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Paving products

Bituminous relationship to asphalt mixtures

ביטומן לאספלט PG76 | פזקר pazkar

Asphalt PG 76 - PMP

PMP - Enhanced waterproofing membrane designed for use in asphalt mixtures that endure high traffic loads and are resistant to increased cracking at elevated temperatures.

ביטומנים לאספלט | פזקר pazkar

Road Asphalt PG 68, PG 70

Bitumen PG 68 - Bitumen PG 70 - Standard Bitumen used in asphalt production

Bituminous emulsions

ציפוי מאחה STE | פזקר pazkar

Emulbit STE

Emulbit STE is an asphalt emulsion used for bonding between existing and new asphalt layers.
It offers excellent adhesion to the asphalt layers

ציפוי יסוד MS10 | פזקר pazkar

Emulbit MS10

Emulbit 10-MS is a bituminous emulsion intended for use as a primer.
The emulsion has high penetration properties for the substrate layers and rapid drying times in the substrate

Hot bitumen protection of concrete elements

ביטומן 40/50 45/55 60/70 | פזקר pazkar

Bitumen 40/50, 45/55, 60/70

Hot mix bitumens of types 50/40, 55/45, and 70/60 are modified bitumens with medium hardness grade, without mineral additives

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